In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful




All praise belongs to Allah; peace and blessings upon Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah, and upon his pure Progeny.

The events al-Zahra’ (A.S.) had to undergo, and the tribula-tions, were not directed against just her own self, or against her personality as an individual, as much as they targeted to transgress firm Islamic principles in order to reach what those who carried them out could not otherwise reach or achieve what they had no right to achieve. Al-Zahra’ (A.S.) in fact, was a mighty bulwark that stood in the way of the achievement of such unjustified and illegitimate ambitions. It emphasized and firmed their illegitimacy and illegality according to the nation’s level of awareness, in her conscience, and in the Islamic and human consciousness as well.

One may find, as he tries to comprehend the historic flow of events, that one may pretend that he lives a state of hesitation in accepting any reasonable justification for them, or at least subjective opportunities, for such events to take place at all. This stirs many questions in his mind about how accurate, or how precise, those who transmitted such events were. For this reason, he is not too embarrassed to cast doubts about all of this even if he cannot reject it or openly and publicly declare it as unacceptable.

Yet the stand of such sort of people instils within them something which they take for granted and in which they do not doubt. It says that the answer to such inquiries, then verifying the authenticity of those events with seriousness and precision, will by necessity mean a straightforward indictment and an open rejection of the “legitimacy” of all the events that took place in the aftermath. He will openly and bitterly find those who coined those events and who caused all those catastrophes that surrounded the truthful al-Zahra’ (A.S.) as wrong, and this is something which they wish to avoid having to fall in.

This brief review aims at displaying those inquiries which produced some kind of doubt among some people then register observations and provide explanations which clarify things and, God willing, polish the right image and perfect its necessary characteristics, providing explanations or answers to other questions or doubts raised about other issues relevant to al-Zahra’ (A.S.).

We provide all the above emphasizing that we respect and appreciate everyone’s individuality and that a different view and the recording of issues such as these of the same significance should not spoil any friendly issue.

It is from Allah that we derive strength and seek help. We ask the most Exalted One to inspire us to say what is right, to aspire what is right, to make our intention pure, and to act with the purity of intention. He is our Master and the One Who guides to the Straight Path.


Ja`fer Murtada al-`Amili

Sha`ban 10, 1417 A.H./December 8, 1996 A.D.

Beirut, Lebanon