O God,
           if Thou willest,
                     Thou wilt pardon us through Thy bounty
           and if Thou willest,
                     Thou wilt chastise us through Thy justice.


So make our ways smooth to Thy pardon
                               through Thy kindness
                     and grant us sanctuary from Thy chastisement
                               through Thy forbearance,
                     for none of us has the endurance for Thy justice
                     and none of us can reach deliverance without Thy pardon!


O Richest of the rich!
           Here we are, Thy servants, before Thee.
           I am the neediest of the needy toward Thee,
                     so redress our neediness
                               through Thy plenty
                     and cut us not off from our hopes
                               through Thy withholding,
                     lest Thou makest wretched him who seeks felicity through Thee
                               and deprivest him who seeks help from Thy bounty!


Then to whom would we return after Thee?
           Where would we go from Thy gate?
                     Glory be to Thee!
           We are the distressed,
                     the response to whom
                               Thou hast made incumbent,
                     the people from whom
                               Thou hast promised to remove the evil.81


That thing most resembling Thy will
                     and that affair most worthy for Thee in Thy mightiness
                     is showing mercy to him who asks Thee for mercy
                               and helping him who seeks help from Thee.
                     So show mercy upon our pleading with Thee
                               and free us from need when we throw ourselves before Thee!


O God,
           Satan will gloat over us if we follow him
                     in disobeying Thee,
           so bless Muhammad and his Household
           and let him not gloat over us
                     after we have renounced him for Thee
                     and beseeched Thee against him!