The author of «Yanabi-ul-Muwadda» on page 493 narrates from «Manaqib» of Muwaffaq-ibn- Ahmad Khawrazmi who narrates from Sulaim-ibn - Qais Hallali who narrates from Salman Farsi who said: 'I got the honour of visiting the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.). What I saw was Hussein-ibn-Ali sitting on his lap and the Holy Prophet kissing over his eyes and licking his clothes and then saying:

You are a Chief, son of a Chief and brother of Chief. You are an Imam, son of an Imam and brother of Imam. You are a divine proof, brother of a divine proof and father of nine Divine Proofs, the ninth of them being the «Qaem».

The same too can be seen in «Uqdud-Durar».

In the afore-mentioned book on page 258, the author narrates from the tenth chapter of «Mawaddat-ul-Qurba» as such:

It has come from Salim-ibn-Qais Hallali that Salman Farsi said: When I went to meet the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) I saw Hussein sitting on his lap and kissing over his eyes and licking his clothes. Thereafter the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) said: You are a Chief and the son of a Chief. You are an Imam and the son of an Imam. You are a divine proof and the son of a divine proof and the father of nine Divine Proofs, the ninth of them shall be the Qaem.

Besides these one, there are still other numerous traditions and Allah-willing, we shall soon narrate them.

The author says- It does not seem likely that anyone amongst the Muslims is ignorant of these nine personalities and has not known them by name. With this description there is no holding back to mentioning their names out of benediction and remembrance. The first of them is Abul-Hassan Zain-ul-Abedeen, followed by his son Abu Jafar Muhammad Baqir, followed by his son Abu Abdulla Jafer Sadeq, followed by his Abul-Hassan Musa Kazim, followed by his son Abul-Hassan Ali ar-Reza, followed by his son Abu Jafar Muhammad Jawad, followed by his son Abul-Hassan Ali Haadi, followed by his son Muhammad Hassan Askari, followed by his son Abul Qasim Muhammad Mahdi who is the ninth of them and the «Qaem».


The author of «Yanabi-ul-Muwadda» on page 499 has narrated from «Arba'een» of Hafez Abu Na'eem Esfahani (which is a collection of forty traditions about Mahdi). Amongst them is a tradition which he has narrated from 'Laghwi' better known as Ibn 'Kheshab'.

He said: Abul Qasim Thaher-ibn-Haroon-ibn-Musa Kazim narrated for me a tradition from his grand-father who said: my master Jafer-ibn Muhammad said: 'The pious successor shall be from my progeny and he is the Mahdi. His name is Muhammad and his agnomen is Abul-Qasim. He shall emerge at the end of time. His mother is named as Nargis and above his head is a cloud which shall provide a shadow for him from the sun. It shall accompany him wherever he goes and will call out in an eloquent voice: This is Mahdi, so obey him.'

Besides this, there are some other traditions which Allah-willing we shall acquaint you with very soon.

Ibn-Hajar in «Sawa'eq» on page 120 says: Muhammad-ibn-Ali Baqer left behind six sons which the most learned and perfect amongst all is Jafar Sadeq. It was for this reason that he was made as his father's successor and legatee and people have narrated so much knowledge from him that his fame (of excellence) had engulfed all the places.

Great Sunni scholars like Yahya-ibn-Sa'eed, Ibn-Jareeh, Malik, Sufyanin, Abu Hanifa, Shuaba and Ayub Bakhtiyani have narrated traditions from him....

Under the verse «--» Imam Fakhr Raazi says: 'Among the meanings of 'Kauthar' (river in Paradise) one meaning can be that of 'offspring' because, this Sura was revealed in refutation of those who were rebuking the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) for not having a son and then Allah provided him a generation which would continue to remain in the course of time. Thus, you may see for yourself that how many an offspring of the Holy Prophet have been killed and yet the world is full of their existence whereas not even one has remained from Bani-Ummayid. Once again, you may see for yourself that those who are from his Ahlul-Bait like Baqir, Sadeq, Kazim, Reza (A.S.), 'Nefs-Zakiyah' and their likes are great scholars.


The author of «Yanabi-ul-Muwadda» on page 448 narrates from the book of «Fara'ed-ul-Semtain» as such: Hassan-ibn-Khalid says - Ali-ibn-Musa Reza (peace be upon him) said:- 'The one who does not have (i.e. piety), does not have faith and the most honourable of you before Allah is the one who is the most pious. Thereafter he said:- Verily the fourth from my descendant is the son of a princess of slave-maids who shall cleanse the earth from every cruelty and oppression.

In the afore-mentioned book on page 489, the author narrates from Hassan-ibn-Khalid who said:- Ali-ibn-Musa ar-Reza (A.S.) said:- 'The appointed time (in Quran) refers to the day of emergence of our 'Qa'em'. Then it was asked from Hazrat as to who is the Qaem and he replied: 'He is the fourth of my descendant, the son of a princess of slave-maids who shall purify the earth from every cruelty and oppression'.

Once again, in the same book on page 454 the author narrates from «Fara'ed-ul-Semtain» as such: Ahmad-ibn-Ziad has narrated from De'abel Khuza'ee who said - 'I read out my elegy which began with «--» before Hazrat Reza (A.S.) until I reached to this part of the poem:

That is to say, the emergence of Imam and his leadership is a certainty. He shall rise in the name of Allah and will be a blessing. He shall separate the truth from falsehood and recompense as per good and evil actions.

Hazrat cried bitterly and then said: 'O De'abel, the Holy Spirit has spoken through your tongue. Do you know who this Imam is?

I replied: No, I do not know him. But, I have heard that an Imam shall emerge from your household, the one who shall fill the earth with equity and Justice.

Hazrat said: The Imam after me shall be my son Muhammad and after Muhammad will be his son Ali and after Ali will be his son Hassan and after Hassan will be his son Hujjat al-Qaem and he is the Awaited one.(45)

Ibn-Hajjar in his «Sawa'eq» on page 122 says: 'When Hazrat Musa-ibn-Jafar passed away, he left behind thirty-seven sons and daughters. Amongst them was Ali-arReza who was more renowned in name and more manifest in merit than the others. For this reason Ma'mun gave him a place in his heart and gave his daughter's hand in marriage to him. He also placed him as his partner in his kingdom and entrusted the affairs of Caliphate to him. In the year of 201 Hijra, he wrote by his own hand the 'testamental-guardianship' for Hazrat and took a large number of people into witness. However Hazrat passed away from this world before him as a result of which Ma'mun became very depressed and sad. Before dying, Hazrat had foretold that he would die because of the poisonous effect of grapes and pomegranates and that Ma'mun would wish to bury him near his father, Rashid's grave, but would not succeed. Thus, all that Hazrat had foretold did occur.

Once Hazrat told a person as such: 'O Abdulla! Be satisfied with what Allah wishes and be prepared for that which is inevitable for you to occur. Then on the third day Abdulla died. This incident has been narrated by Hakem. Also, he narrates from Muhammad-ibn-Isa who narrates from Abu Habib who said: I saw in my dreams that I had visited the Holy Prophet and greeted him. At that very moment, I saw a tray of Saihani dates next to him and he offered eighteen of those dates to me. Then I woke up and interpreted my dream in this manner that I would live for another eighteen days. However, after the twentieth day, Abul-Hassan Ali ar-Reza arrived from Medina and came to the same mosque where I had seen the Holy Prophet in my dream. People hastened towards him in order to offer their greetings. I too went close to him and saw him sitting in the very place which the Holy Prophet had sat and besides him was kept a tray of Saihani dates, the same tray of dates which I had seen in my dream. Later, I greeted him and he called me close to himself and offered me a handful of those dates. When I counted them, I realized that they were exactly the same number of dates the Holy Prophet had offered me in my dream. I asked for more but he said: If the Holy Prophet had offered you more than this amount, I too would offer you more.

When Hazrat arrived in Naishabour he was mounted on a mule and on top of the mule-litter was a cover which was not visible from behind. Then two persons from the experts of traditions, i.e. Abu Zarra Raazi and Muhammad-ibn-Aslam Tusi went in his presence along with a large number of scholars. They asked Hazrat to disclose his blessed face and narrate for them traditions which he had received from his fore-fathers. Then, as per his commands the mule-litter came to a stand-still and his slaves drew back the curtain. When the people's eyes fell on his blessed face they began to rejoice. A group was jubilating while another group was crying out of excessive happiness. Yet others threw themselves on the ground and those who were near were seen kissing the hooves of his mule. Then the scholars cried out: 'O people, be quiet and listen to what Hazrat says'. When the people prepared themselves to listen, Hazrat started to deliver this tradition and as the crowd was great in number those too i.e. Abu Zarra and Muhammad-ibn-Aslam were calling out Hazrat's message to the people. Later, Hazrat said: 'My father Musa Kazim narrated to me from his father Jafer Sadeq who narrated from his father Muhammad Baqer who narrated from his father Zain-ul-Abedeen who narrated from his father Hussein who narrated from his father Ali-ibn-Abi Talib (may Allah be satisfied with him) who said: My dear and beloved Messenger of Allah (S.A.W A.) said: Gibra'eel (Gabriel) told me as such:- I heard the Exalted Lord saying: The words of:

is My castle. So anyone who recites it shall enter My castle and the one who enters My castle will be saved from My chastisement.

Thereafter, he removed the cover from the mule-litter and moved ahead. About twenty-thousand writers have narrated this tradition.

In another tradition it has come that Hazrat said: 'Faith' is recognition by the heart, confession by the tongue and action by the limbs. Perhaps he said both of them.

Ahmad says: 'If this tradition which is having a chain of transmitters is read for an insane person he shall be cured of his madness.'