Abu Dawoud, in the fourth Volume of his «Sahih» on page 17 has brought a tradition which has been narrated by Ali (A.S.) from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such:

«If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, indeed God will make a man from my family to appear.(31)

Tirmidhi, in the second Volume of his «Sahih» on page 270 has brought a tradition which has been narrated by Abu Huraira from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as follows:-

«If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, God will set the day so long until a person from my family shall appear.»

Thereafter he says: 'This is a good and authentic tradition.;

Moreover, a similar tradition from the Holy Prophet with a slight variation has been narrated by Ibn Hajar (on page 97 of his Sawa'eq) and Shaikh Saban (on page 148 of Esaaf ur-Rhagebeen) from Abu Dawoud and Tirmidhi.(32)

The magazine «Hudal-Islam» No. 2, in the third of its weekly publication No. 25 mentions:

Ibn Maaja has brought a tradition narrated by Ali (A.S.) from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such:

Mahdi is from my family.(33)

Shaikh Saban on page 148 of «Es'aaf ur-Rhagebeen» and Ibn-Hajar on page 99 of «Sawa'eq» have written that Ahmad, Abu Dawoud, Tirmidhi and Ibn-Maaja have brought a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as such:

'If there remains not more than a day from the life of the earth, God shall indeed make a person from my progeny to appear. As per some other tradiitons, we find the words 'my family'.(34)

Ibn-Hajar on page 97 of «Sawa'eq» and Shaikh Saban on page 148 of «Esaaf ur-Rhagebeen» have written that Ahmad, Abu Dawoud, and Tirmidhi have brought a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.)as follows:-

«The world shall not pass, or perhaps he said: The world shall not cease to exist until a person from my family comes and rule.(35)

The author of «Nur-ul-Absar» on page 231 has brought a tradition narrated by Abu Dawoud who in turn has narrated from Zar-ibn- Abdullah that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) has said: «The world shall not pass until a person from my family comes and rules among the Arabs». Thereafter he said:- 'He shall fill the earth with Justice'.(36)

In the afore-mentioned book, the author writes on page 229 as such:

Abu Dawoud has narrated from Ali (may Allah be satisfied with him) who in turn has narrated from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) who said: «If there remains not more than a day from the life of earth, God will indeed make a person from my family to appear on that day and fill the earth with Justice just as it had been filled with oppression.(37)

The author of «Matalib-ul-Su'ool» in the chapter of «Asking one's whish from Ahlul-Bait» writes: Some have said that «Ahlul-Bait» refers to those people who are nearer in relation to a person in ancestorship. Some others have said that «Ahlul-Bait» are those who gather together in one womb. Still others have said: Ahlul-Bait are those who are attached to him by kinship and relation. All of these meanings can be found in them because, their lineage returns back to the Holy Prophet's grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib.

Also they have gathered together with him (i.e. the Holy Prophet) in one womb and they are connected to him through kinship as well as relation (son-in-law).

Thus they are in fact his (progeny) and «--» and (Ahlul-Bait) are one and the same whether they differ in meaning or not. Thus the meaning of these two terms are fixed for them.

Muslim in his 'Sahih' narrates from Zaid-ibnHasaan who said: 'I went with Hasain-ibn-Seera and Omar-ibn-Muslim to visit Zaid-ibn-Arqam. When we sat down, Hasain began to speak and said: 'O Zaid, Verily, now that you have numerous good actions in your record, have seen the Holy Prophet, have heard traditions from him, have fought beside him and prayed behind him, so narrate for us what you have heard from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.A.).

Zaid replied: 'O brother, surely I have turned old and my memory has become worn out. As a result, a part of what I have acquired from the Holy Prophet has been forgotten by me. So accept whatever I narrate to you and do not bother me about what I do not narrate to you.'

Thereafter he said: 'Once the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) stood near a place called «Hema'a» situated between Mecca and Medina and delivered a sermon. After praising and extolling God Almighty and then exhorting the people, he said: 'O people, I am a human-being and it seems that my Lord's emissary (i.e. Izra'eel) is going to come and take away my soul. I am leaving amongst you, two precious things. The first of them is the Book of Allah wherein you will find guidance and light. So take hold of the Book of Allah. In this regard, he incited and exhorted the people toward the Book of Allah. Thereafter he said: The other is my Ahlul-Bait. I remind you of Allah with regards to my Ahlul-Bait. I remind you of Allah about them.

Then Hasain told Zaid-ibn-Arqam as such: 'O Zaid, who are his Ahlul-Bait? Are his wives the Ahlul-Bait!?

He replied: 'No, his Ahlul-Bait are those upon whom alms is forbidden.(38)