AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Islamic Practical Laws



Medical science has proved that microbes (germs) grow in damp and dark places where there is also good heat temperature.Human armpit meet these conditions for the growth and multiplication of microbes.If the hair growing therein is long , and the sunlight does not fall on it, besides its washing also takes place after long intervals,the danger is aggravated.The Holy Prophet (saw) has said;

“Never allow the hair in your armpits to grow because the satan settles there treating it as its asylum”.


Imam Ja’ffar as-Sadiq (as) has said;

“The most invisible way through which satan acquires mastery over man is that it settles under his nails”.

The spot under the nails is a suitable place for the growth of the microbes because on account of the hands touching food. Besides the moisture of hands and the natural heat of the body help their maturity and multiplication which expose man to danger.


The Holy Prophet (saw) has said;

“If I was not afraid that my followers might be faces with hardship and inconvinience,I would have made obligatory upon them to brush their teeth before offering their daily prayers”.

The Prophet (saw) has also guided us on how to use the toothbrush which the dental experts also recommend today.

“Do not brush your teeth horizontally but vertically (i.e.from upwards to downwards)”.

There is a likelihood of microbes entering man’s mouth through air or food or other means. They take advantage of the presence of wounds, local wastage or even general weak condition of the body. In so doing, they cause various diseases like dental caries, pyorrhea and swelling of gums. Islamic teachings as under are aimed at preventing those dangers. The Holy Prophet (saw) has  said;

“Use a toothpick after eating food because it keeps the mouth healthy and protects the teeth from decay and desruction. Whoever uses toothpick after eating food should not devour what comes out by means of the toothpick” 

Imam as-Sadiq (as) has said;

“Never eat the particles of food which come out from between the teeth by means of  a toothpick because they are the causes of ulcer”.

Thus we see how Islam emphasizes on tooth brushing and keeping the space between the teeth clean to avoid any cause of harm.One such cause can be the acid produced from chemical process of food particles remaining between teeth, which, when going down the stomach can cause ulcer.


Countless number of harmful microbes exist in the air and as man breathes about a number of times in a minute, some air containing these harmful microbes pass through his mouth and nostrils and they become a place for their thriving.Hence the recommended act of washing mouth and nostrils during wudhoo before every prayer helps to cleanse them.The Holy Prophet (saw) has said;

“Every person must endeavour to perform MAZMAZA (rinsing of mouth) with clean water and ISTINSHAQ ( drawing up water in to the nostrils) because this act purifies the mouth and banishes the foul smell”.


Islamic rules and recommendations also refer to one’s home and its sorroundings.The Holy Prophet (saw) has said;

“Sweep the space infront of your house and keep it clean ……”

“Do not allow the sweepings and rubbish to remain in your house during the night because they are the abode of satan”

“Allowing the spider’s web to remain in the room brings poverty and keeping rubbish in the house after sweeping (also) brings indigence”

“After taking a meal, leaving the debris unwashed, allowing the spiders webs to remain in the house and leaving water containers without cover brings poverty”.

Obviously the above mentioned allow harmful germs to thrive and multiply and ultimately causing sickness to people residing in the place.

This article contains excerpts from the notes of Marhum Ahmed H.Sheriff. Readers are requested to remember the Marhum with the recitation of Al-Fatihah.

Released by:
Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff
